Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Congress General Motion.

The 39th Congress of the Nonviolent, Transnational and Transparty Radical Party, convened in Chianciano on 17-20 February 2011


that the Manifesto-Appeal and its goals, proposed exactly thirty years ago by the Party – now officially named Transnational, Transparty and Nonviolent Radical Party – as received and undersigned by over 140 Nobel Laureates, still reflect the dramatic, historical, compelling matters afflicting the contemporary world;


the tragic, topical nature of what the signatory Nobel Laureates stated in 1981:

“We need to rebel against the false realism which induces people to resign themselves as though it were fatal, to what instead belongs to the responsibility of politics and the "established disorder". We need to fight realistically so that the possible is done and not consumed, perhaps forever.

“If world powers are responsible, they are not the only ones. If the unarmed would not resign themselves to being inert, if they would be more numerous in declaring non-obedience to other laws than this basic law of the rights of men and people, that in the first place is Justice, and the right to life; if the unarmed would go and organize themselves using their few but long lasting weapons of political democracy and the great non-violent "Gandhian" actions, fixing themselves and imposing the choice of objectives from time to time limited and adequate; if this would happen, it would be certain, just as today it is certainly possible, that our times would not be catastrophic.

“If mass media, if the powerful who decided to honor us with the acknowledgements we received, decided to listen and cause others to listen to our voice and actions, and the voice and actions of those who are working along the same lines, elsewhere in the world; if women and men, if peoples had access to knowledge and information, undoubtedly the future would look different from what is looming and seems destined for everybody, everywhere in the world. But only in this case. We need to choose, act, create now.”

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